“Leadership in Turbulent Times “ 

Abstract Guideline

 1. Title: Bold, Font size 16, Times New Roman
 2. Author(s): Italics, Bold, font size 12, no abbreviations, indicate affiliation of each author and give e-mail address of author (s).
 3. Text: Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 12, one paragraph, justifies & single spacing and maximum 300 words. Space after paragraph 4 pt, margins: Top: 2 cm, Bottom: 2 cm, Right: 2 cm, Left: 3 cm.
 4. Keywords: 3 – 7 words.
 5. Bio-profile (s): Name, Job & Name of Institution, Educational Background, Research Interest (Times New Roman 12, & Not more that 100 words)  

Example of Abstract

Conference Date : 29th – 30th November 2021 (Monday – Tuesday) Early Bird Registration Deadline : 15th August 2021 Notification of Acceptance : 22th November 2021 Abstract Submission Deadline : 20th November 2021 Full Paper Submission : 30th December 2021 Registration Deadline : 25th November 2021 E-Certificate E-Seminar Kits Free publication in Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ) and Journal of Management and Business Studies (JBMS)










RM 150

USD 50

RM 300

USD 100

Early Bird

RM 100

USD 35

RM 250

USD 75

Special treat:
**10% rebate for participant(s) from universities that have already signed MoU with University College of Yayasan Pahang (UCYP)
**Fees include publication in journal ASHREJ and JBMS
**Selected papers will be published in Scopus Index Journal with extra payments N.B. ParticIpant (s) from universities that have already signed MoU with University College of Yayasan Pahang (UCYP) will get 10% rebate. PAYMENT Payment can be made by transferring to CIMB Bank Malaysia

Beneficiary : KYP Education Sdn. Bhd

Address : Level 2, Kompleks Yayasan Pahang, Tanjung Lumpur,
 26060 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia.

Tel. +609 534 3999

Account No. : 8007874529

Bank Name : CIMB Bank – Malaysia

Swiff Code : CIBBMYKL